Thursday, 25 June 2009

SEPARATING RECYCLED PRODUCTS - WHAT IS HAPPENING? Are Penkridge People "wasting" their time?

I have had a serious report from the Grange Estate on the west side of Penkridge about their collections of recycled products. It would appear that – although South Staffs. Council are asking for materials to be SORTED in separate containers (i.e. paper, tins, plastic, glass) - that when the contractors come round with a wheelie bin to collect these materials (it is a paved area with many houses some distance from the road where the lorries park), that THEY TIP ALL THE DIFFERENT RECYCLED MATERIALS INTO ONE WHEELIE BIN.

Because of this, the householder concerned did not separate the items next time (“why should I, when they put them together when collecting them”). The contractor then refused to take away their recycled products.

This was reported to South Staffs. Council who contacted their contractor who said they used two different wheelie bins to collect both types of recycled materials. THIS WAS UNTRUE as they were watched doing the job and ALL THE CONTAINERS WERE TIPPED INTO ONE WHEELIE BIN.

Is this an isolated occurrence or have other householders in Penkridge noted this happening? It has been reported in the past that different recycled containers have been tipped into the same compartment of the contractors vehicle? I would be interested to hear Penkridge residents comments.

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Round Table donation to Penkridge PADS

Penkridge Amateur Dramatic Society were presented with a cheque for £500 recently by Penkridge & District Round Table Chairman Kevin Long.

The group, who have been celebrating their 50th anniversary recently with a performance of “The Railway Children” have been entertaining the people of Penkridge since 1959 when they performed their first production “Love in a mist”.

Kevin Day – Chairman of Penkridge Amateur Dramatic Society (pictured) is seen receiving the cheque from Kevin Long. The performance took place on Sunday June 7th , which although scheduled as an outdoor performance took place indoors due to inclement weather.

Thursday, 18 June 2009


Age Concern South Staffordshire (who now have their home at the Roller Mill, Teddesley Road, Penkridge), are wanting volunteers to be the first point of telephone contact for older people seeking help and advice in South Staffordshire. Volunteer telephone advisors will receive full training to be able to answer enquiries and full support from their Information and Advice case workers.

They are also wanting a Volunteer to undertake duties developing and maintaing their gardens on site at the Roller Mill for the benefit of their service users. They are looking for someone to plant out pots and hanging baskets and to create and improve the environment to include shrubs, flowers and vegetables.

Further information and details of these two volunteer opportunities in Penkridge can be found on the Penkridge Website ( where you will find copies of the two adverts OR phone 01785 788481 (Gardening) or 788499 (Info & Advice).

Monday, 15 June 2009

"Battle of Britain" over Penkridge

Whilst weeding on the allotment yesterday, we had glimpses of the Cosford Air Show 2009. The first picture is of the Vulcan Bomber, only just been renovated and back doing the air shows. The other, of course, is one that all those will remember who were in the forces during the 2nd world war or who were waiting at home for the news. There's nothing like the sound of a Lancaster, Spitfire and Hurricane overhead to bring back memories!

Friday, 12 June 2009

Cllr. Stan Wright's 80th birthday -11 June 2009

At the Parish Council meeting last night, Cllr. Stan Wright received presents, a card, birthday greetings and a chocolate CAKE with 80 candles (sorry, 8) on his 80th birthday.

Here he is photographed with the Chair of the Council, Cllr. Anne Geoghegan.