Where has he been I hear you ask? A long story but I am still in the land of the living, having celebrated my 80th birthday last February. Am still Town Crying and attended Kerry and Steve's wedding celebrations at the Haling Dene Centre (where Kerry works behind the bar). I also welcomed our Friends from Ablon sur Seine when they visited us earlier in the year - and I did it in French!
I will be town crying next at the annual Penkridge Victorian Xmas Fayre at Penkridge Market on Friday evening, the 28 November 2014. Please come along and introduce yourself - wear something Victorian too, like me!!!
Those of you who have lived in Penkridge for a long time - maybe even born here - will probably have been attending our Local History Meetings over the year where we have been having very good attendances. But more of this in future blogs. Our next meeting is at Haling Dene Centre, Cannock Road, Penkridge, on Tuesday, 25 November, 2014, from 10.30am to 12.30. Free admission and coffee/tea and biscuits for a donation. Bob Maddocks will be showing us old photos we keep discovering of Penkridge people and events from the past. Please come along and join us and perhaps meet some of your old friends. We even get people who used to live in Penkridge coming back to see us, even from many miles away.
And if you have old photos of your family back in the early days, particularly 1900-1970, then please bring them along and we can scan them in order to show them to others. We have now published several books about people and Penkridge over the years with loads of illustrations. They are all on sale at Sally's hardware shop near the White Hart. And Bob Maddocks has just written and published a new book he has been working on for years called "The Littletons of Teddesley Hall, 1740-1930". Every household in Penkridge should have a copy as this family was the major landowner in our parish and our Lord of the Manor, employing many local people in the past. It is on sale at Sally's Hardware Shop also.
What happened to Birds, Dogs and all Creatures?
It became a 3 volume book !
The time comes when all good things must come to an end and my blog had run
it's course. It was not just a record of various bi...